Thanks to the advancement in the technology, any person with an inquisitive mind and love for music can create his or her own CD album at no extra cost. EZ-DJ Plus is the solution for those music lovers, who, with little more imagination and perspiration, can create their own CD album by effectively mixing the existing music files, preferably in MP3 format.
With this software, one person can effectively use the turntables of the songs selected from his or her collection and start mixing them, similar to what professional DJs do, and instantly he/she becomes a good DJ. Not only can a novice start mixing from the existing collection, he or she can incorporate transitions and tricks, apart from warping the sounds with unique tools provided in the software.
Some of the tools include scratching, fading and cutting from the music files and also adding cool effects to the new collection of music. Not only does the software allow to create his or her own version of music, but also create a CD of the music thus created, as well as export the same file to any compatible portable music device.
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